Gardening & Farming

Livestock Guardian Dogs: Deter Predators on Your Farm or Homestead

Livestock Guardian Dogs: Deter Predators on Your Farm or Homestead

Livestock guardian dogs protect homesteads and farms from predators with their loyal and protective nature. Image by Don DeBold, Flickr. Homesteads and farms face the constant challenge of protecting their livestock from predators like coyotes, wolves, bears, and other opportunistic creatures that threaten the well-being of their animals. Livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) offer a tried and tested solution, safeguarding herds with their protective instincts. For centuries, LGDs have stood as the ultimate farm watchdogs, their presence alone serving as a powerful deterrent to would-be attackers. Bred for their unwavering loyalty, keen instincts, and impressive size, these capable canines have become an increasingly popular choice among homesteaders seeking an eco-friendly, long-term solution to safeguarding their herds. LGDs actively protect livestock by patrolling the perimeter, marking territory, and fearlessly confronting intruders....

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Water Management For Every Permaculture Property

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How to design a Food Forest in 20 minutes

Share Post Pinterest reddit Email Tall order? Read on and watch me *demo* it. Earlier this week, I showed you what designing the whole farm layout looks like, and now I’ll zoom in on one aspect: designing a food forest with swales. 5 minutes for Part I, 15 minutes for Part II, and DONE! Part I: Determine if swales are a viable water management option for your terrain (5 min) Part II: Design the layout for your food forest (15 min) Food forests, in the context of the current and coming world events, are of pivotal importance for any permaculture farm or homestead. They supply us with an abundance of fruits, nuts, medicinal plants, and other resources so we can be more self-reliant and have peace of mind that no matter what, we’ll eat plenty and healthy. They also provide us with a beautiful, non-toxic, natural environment, a sort of…
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How to Create an Endless Supply of Free “Woodchips”

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Behind-The-Scenes: Creating a 12-month Permaculture Plan for a 5-acre retirement property

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How I simplify garden planning each year (free calculator included)

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How I plan the year for my own permaculture farm/homestead (diagram)

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Food forest cover crop update

Share Post Pinterest reddit Email Somewhere up the family tree, my forebears must have offended a hag coven or something… Behold our ancestral curse: The limestone bedrock. My land is in the mountainous part of Croatia, a region characterized by this particularly challenging landscape feature that has determined the destinies of many generations of farmers before me. On the one hand, it’s the best type of rock for storing water in underground aquifers because it is very porous. On the other hand, due to its porous nature, rainfall far too quickly drains away underground through various cracks in the rock. Also, in addition to its high pH and lack of mineral diversity, the soil that forms on it tends to be shallow: a foot or so (0.5m) deep. That’s why the primary agricultural activity in the region has always been livestock. The conventional wisdom is that you can’t grow fruit…
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Get This Right or Your Plants Could Die

Why Fall Is The Best Time To Fertilize Your Garden (& What To Use)

As the leaves change color and fall from the trees, most of us are busy closing up our gardens for the season. But don’t put your garden tools away just yet. There’s a common spring gardening chore that is best done in the fall. I’d like to make a case for fertilizing your garden in the fall rather than the spring. It’s accepted wisdom in the gardening community to fertilize in the spring when you’re getting started for the season. But in recent years, we’ve discovered that all of this fertilizing can negatively impact the world beyond our gardens. It’s time to look at fertilizing in a different way, hopefully, a better way. What’s the Problem with Spring Fertilizing? Before I tell you why I think fertilizing in the spring is a problem, I’d like to tell you about my summer vacation. I promise it’s relevant. This year, my family…
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